Asian elephants at the Greater Vancouver Zoo Official Homepage
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Photos of the Asian elephants at the Greater Vancouver Zoo in Canada
Greater Vancouver Zoo : 6 Photos

Photo 03: Former elephant exhibit - Copyright © 01/2003 by Sonia Ew
The zoo keeps no more Asian elephants since 2003
Photo 03 - 01/2003:      Photo 04 - 07/2003:  
Photo 01 - 04/2002:      Photo 02 - 07/2002:  

If you have got some photos of the former elephants and the exhibit at the Vancouver Zoo as well, please send them to us by email and we will add your photos to this page.

Record of the Asian elephants at the Greater Vancouver Zoo
Name 1900-1905-1910-1915-1920-1925-1930-1935-1940-1945-1950-1955-1960-1965-1970-1975-1980-1985-1990-1995-2000-2005-2010-2015-2020-2025
0.1 Tina1972 from Portland - 30.09.89 to Rockton and 1991 - 11.08.03 to TES
0.1 Judy1972 from Portland - 09/1972 to Winston
Additional photos of the Asian elephants at the Greater Vancouver Zoo

Former Asian elephant yard 2006

Former Asian elephant yard 2006
Births of Asian elephants at the Greater Vancouver Zoo in its history
There has never been born an Asian elephant at this zoo
Copyright © 2001 -   All rights reserved.